Sunday, September 21, 2008
New BLOG over here.....
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sleeping Beauty has her moments too
Oh by the way..... Last Post, I wasn't refering to me being Sleeping Beauty, but the title was catchy and this is what its going to be about here. Inspiration, fun & ideas & as much pretty things as I find to share with you all. If I find something that inspires me, and believe me, I get inspired by wayyyyyyy diff. mediums and styles. If it inspires me who knows what you can draw from it so I'll share it too. I'll try not to write too much, I write as much as I talk.... this mommy needs to get around adults more often. so remember I have 5 girls and my mind is spinning from it all.
Get creating! Have fun!!
XO Joelle
Sleaping Beauty Awakes....
Wow... has time slipped away from me for a bit. The last time I was on here was about 6 months ago. Shame on me. This little land of inspiration was much needed for me. How could I have let it go??? So many wonderful, thoughtful, sharing, caring, giving & talented souls all right here in the blogland. A place to escape and dream. Get creative, motivated, ideas, inspiration & support, yet I slipped away for a bit and continued with my hectic, stressful long days of being a mommy alone without much support. Ohhhh the drama and caotic schedules of a busy family with 5 girls, 2 big dogs(one a rescue STILL here) a workaholic husband and some really bad issues I had to deal with, almost all by myself. Not good when some horrible things happening have to do with neighbors. Yes one right next door was a stay at home DADDY. A computer geek hacker freak! CREEP. His wife is??? a dr. shrink! go figure! anyways... they took off left fast before selling their home and the story continues.......The other neighbor must have figured since the wife was a dr. that she should run & tell her something that she wanted to cause more drama about and she actually didn't put childrens safety first, she let jealousy get the best of her sooooooo ~ I can not go into it right now.BUT!!!! I WILL. Its important people pay attention to things around them and not be ignorant. Weirdos are everywhere. bad guys aren't JUST the crack heads in the ghetto. Its been very unhealthy for me. for my girls. Im dealing with alot of stress and negativity and I realy could use a friend and Im comming back here to get you all back and find me again and not let jealous, hypactritical, selfish people bring me down. I have children to take care of. THEY do not need cold mothers to distract me from being the best mommy I can be.
PARENTS.... pay attention to how you act in front of your children. The way your children behave most often reflect your behavior. Lifes to short and your children need you to be the best you can be. Not a Jealous. caddy, selfish, bi*chy wannaB. (sorry, I had to get that out and im done)
Lets just say its time for me to move forward, get back to LIVING life again. Love my girls and keep them safe and happy and be inspired and hopefully inspire others.
I Miss YOU ALL who have been to my blog and to those of you whom I know from all over.
I seriously LOVE you all for your creative souls!
Best Wishes ~
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Please forgive this yucky mess!
ohhh my this looks nasty!
Please forgive the mess!
im trying to figure out this 3 column layout & in doing so it temp. looks like crap.
so all these colors & lack of info. is because im clueless with computer html. & in changing things around.... its temp. looking YUCK!
so hopefully soon it will be looking better until i can get someone to do a REAL layout for me.
Thanks for stopping by!
Enjoy your weekend!!!
Joelle Xo
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Think Spring!
Hello all my Blogger friends! I have been missing all you creative souls!
Sweet Etsy Finds.

Monday, February 25, 2008
Im Thinking Green ~
Well not Green like in Fresh Spring things or St. Patricks Day BUT GREEN as in Earth friendly.
Im still Loving my Pinks! However.... Im thinking of focusing a bit on Recycled, reused, revamped materials in my designs. Many ETSY artists are Earth Friendly with their creations. Some are new to it but others are spreading the word to those who have no clue.
So My little part is to Go Green too! Well try it as much as I can.
The Little Pink stool in the Photo above is made from "salvaged" porch spidles for the legs. They were very Dark stained Old junky parts, took layers of yucky paint off & then had to deal with the sunk in stain. but I DID IT!
I made several of them with my Found treasures (junky old spindels)
I use to make alot of little benches & chairs with Old parts (wooden trims,moldings,ballisters etc)for a girl in Texas (years ago before we moved) LOVED IT!
I absolutely LOVE the stool. I had a hard time parting with the other two. so sweet & charming.
who would have known the little history behind such a New Posh Piece for little ones. (safe of course from lead & icky things) Im full aware of all the child safety codes/laws. This mommy doesn't risk anything.
soooo all you creative bloggers.... & friends. Keep checking back on my Etsy for now to see what other treasures I come up with. ~
Im going to realy try to focus on RECYCLED/SALVAGED pieces for my designs.
I use alot of parts already but im going to TRY to only use found pieces. (search Etsy & such for scrap ribbons & still wonderful & CLEAN expensive ribbons, just from other designers that sew etc...) recycling does not mean YUCK. you would be surprised what I can do.
This Sweet Cherub Lilac Board was a salvaged wooden board. I bought the metal hooks new but Must look for salvaged/recycled ones. If you have any you want to get rid of..... send them my way, I'll be your new best friend! : )
Do You Know about ETSY??
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Busy busy busy....
Hello everyone. I haven't been posting lately but I still think about all my blog friends. Im wondering how everyones New year is going. Im super busy. Alot of different projects & things going on in my life. My one year old little baby girl is very active. Not walking everywhere but running. She is full of energy & so super smart already. Im so happy. She Loves broccoli & today ate green peppers in slices. Ohhhh how I so hope she will be eating healthy & not picky. She is such a great baby & happy & Loves to learn new things everyday!!! I am truely blessed. I hate waiting & hate stress. However.... My girls come first & I figured I should focus on my girls right now & take a short break & not try to do everything all at once. For me to not paint or create something daily, is soooo hard. I always feel the need to be productive & busy. I am busy but family busy not designs. Maybe this was a good break for me to refresh??? I hope. I need to move forward & get my designs out there.
Soooo to all of you who believe in me ~ THANK YOU! Big huge kisses & hugs to you. I am so very greatful for all your support & encouragement. ALL of You. Every single one of you whom left me a comment, message or emailed me. I treasure your thoughtful words & time. I wish you all tons of LOVE, health, happiness & success.
Keep checking back, I should be posting much more soon.
Enjoy your week.
Believe in yourself.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sitting in Style
Ohh how I wish I would have known about these chairs. The Nicole Reid CollectionTM offers beautiful hand-carved high chairs that add a touch of elegance to your living space.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Prince Fairy ~

Bonne Nuit
I thought of A sweet little gift for baby showers. So I created this little wooden plaque. I did change the crystal at the bottom to a real chandelier crystal instead. I just like it better.
Sweet, charming & one of a kind. They can say "Bonne Nuit" (french) or Sweet Dreams.
Available in several other dreamy colors. I guess I could make them in Bolder colors for those with brighter decor. Each one with a tiny bouquet in the corner with just the right amount of sparkle & magic. (Painted berries & birdy, pearl, rhinestone & flowers)
Such a little thing but has such Huge impact.
perfect for baby showers & just sweet for any time gift. hang it from anything to just add some charm & sweetness.
Even better gift, add to one of my painted pails & throw in a cutom bib & birpies & even some homemade all natural soap. Now thats a GREAT baby shower gift.
LOTS of great finds on the esty site. Click on my link to start ~ Type in the "search" for baby bibs or all natural soaps..... or whatever you want. SOOOOO many great finds on ETSY. Support Handmade & Indie artists. not slave factories.
Support more moms like me.
Thank you!
Who is behind the mask?

Fashion inspires Me

My new inspiration ~
Thanks to Sandra Evertson I found Alannah. I love this Australian Designer. (Originally from Tasmania) She is just so girly, frou frou, frilly, sweet, romantic, sexy & a perfect thought in my creative mind. I want her dresses. I want to see more. I do not know what it is. All the pictures, settings, backgrounds, colors, details.... Whatever it is, it is inspiring me.
Now it is just a matter of figuring it all out.
Wish me luck. Enjoy her site & shop around. if you purchase anything. Please do share! : )
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Christmas Spirit ....
Christmas Spirit is in the air. People are decorating all over. here in the South.. many decorate BEFORE Thanks Giving. Can you believe it all you Northerners??? Most Have their tree & outside decorated the next day. It looks so lovely & everyone is putting Christmas Spirit in the air. I guess we need a little more Christmas Spirit down here since we do not get all the Christmasy snowflakes. I think I seen a tiny flake or 2 last year. My girls do not miss bundling up, but i sure do. I miss their cute little red noses. Seeing their little breath in the air when they talk. Building snowmen together. making snow angels together. Going sledding at Lake Shore with all the neighbors. Having my girls go to the Peak n Peak every weekend to ski. My daughter used to be on SKI club at school. (in elementary, can you believe it, that's how close we were to the Peak. That's a big ski resort near where we live. All my girls would ski during the winter season. I got a break & did my things & had goodies for them when they came home.
My brother ski's all over the world. He just went to dinner with that red headed carrot top guy won the olympics???? In Chile. He's a serious skiir,I like to go to the ocean & get tan & watch for dolphins & sharks. I hate being cold. I will one day get over that & ski with them all.
I even want to learn how to surf? well... im getting off subject here but I guess im reminicing a bit by myself and dreaming about plans to come...
Anyways....Off to pick my daughter up.
I wish you all some happy shopping times ahead & some time to bake & enjoy the Christmas time with your loved ones.
Peace ~
My head is spinning, Christmas is comming....Fast.

Friday, November 23, 2007
ohhhh one more Sweet thing ~
Look at these sweet soft sewn stuffed animals.
I LOVE white. I love simple, clean & fresh style.
Just charming. Who would think some stuffed geese could look so classy? Im not a huge fan of stuffed animals & all the dust mites that can come with them & clutter & fuzzies etc... but these would look great for those who don't care for the masses of commercial stuffed animals that every child has. Clean, sweet, one of a kind.
So unique. I would LOVE to see these in a gorgeous baby boutique or home decor store with a baby & child section. If I could sew... I would try these! hint hint.... anyone?
Cuddly Stuffed Animals - Japanese Craft Book
by chocolateswirl
Delicious felting....

Wool Felt Sweets - Japanese Needle Felting Craft Pattern Book
by chocolateswirl

Bonne Nuit ~ Sweet Dreams & Nightie night.....
Im off to dream land. I hope you all had wonderful times with family & friends & Enjoyed your Thanks Giving to those here in the states & much peace & love to all just because it should be that way.
Here's to your dreams, wishes, hopes & ideas.... Im thinking positive thoughts & hope it passes along to all those wishing for the same!
Joelle XO
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
This is a sneak peak of another piece I am working on.
It is no where close to being finished, Lots of goodies to add to this & layers of paints etc.... For a child's room? hmmmmm How do i do that? Not your typical child's room is it? so I have to figure it out. How I get myself into this I don't know..... and where are those moms at that are looking for something totally diff. & not typical baby or child pieces?
I wish my mind would be so much simpler.
Wish Fairy
Ok.... here is yet another little collage hook that I need to fix up & add to Etsy after I take more pictures outside. Everyone seems to be doing collage work, so I thought I would give it a try.
Strumpfkunst on ETSY has the cutest little sock critters. These sweet jolly little ones are just too happy to pass. I think every little child should have a favorite little friend to take everywhere. Why not a one of a kind from a sweet girl from Germany. She takes great pride in making sure her little critters are safe & up to standards yet look adorable. Take a look at all her friends.