How is this for a cozy place to nestle? Imagine this lucky princess drifting off to slumerland & dreaming magical dreams.... Nice, huh? Barry Dixon a designer from Viginia designs some gorgeous rooms. I thought this little headboard & the way he transformed this little nook was was way too charming. Not everyone can be as Posh as this but you can use your imagination & look at things in a whole new way.
How dramatic is this? I Love it. This style is way easy to recreate. Very Regal. Very classy. Get some plywood, some batting or foam some great stiped material & if you can't afford it... get white canvas & Paint your stripes.* Little tip ~ use some fabric medium w/ your regular paint. look for some great nail heads or get creative & use some nails or screws that are a bit more chunky & paint them to have the color, stain,metal effect you want. & outline the piece.You can use whatever you want for overhead lighting, sconces or artwork/accessorie for the middle piece. keep it simple, clean & Vogue by a few unique objects. you do not need a whole lot to get big impact. Now let your imagination run wild & dream up diff. headboards & color schemes.
I'd be happy to help ; ) I love a challenge.
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I'm Looking to buy [url=][b]Entertainment Centers[/b][/url] or [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a new hotel chain I'm working at in.
Can you guys give me a good recommendation of where is the best deal on these? I live in Florida and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]Entertainment Centers[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I need some help here folks
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or a TV [url=][b]Wall Unit[/b][/url] For an apartment I'mclosing on.
Can you peoplegive me a good recommendation of where is the topdeal on these? I live in Miami and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
looking forward to your reply
I need some help here folks
I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a loft I'mclosing on.
Can you guysgive me a good recommendation of where is the leadingplace to buy these? I live in San Francisco and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
much appreciated
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
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